Finding Values: What will be said in your Eulogy?

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There are many techniques for finding values (just Google and you will find plenty). Out of all of them, I found this technique to be especially effective for me.

The technique is simple:

Imagine you have died and people have gathered to remember you. Someone close to you is giving a speech about you. What would they say?

This technique is as good as your imagination. Think about the following questions deeply:

  • What would the person say if you died right now?
    • This highlights your current state.
  • What if you died later. What would you like to hear about yourself?
    • Think about all the potential relationships you care about. Were you a good partner/parent/friend/child?
    • In your imagination, was something missing?
  • Are you happy with what is being said? Would you like to change anything?

Thinking and answering the above questions might help you find what you care about. Use that information to understand your values. It’s an exercise for self-discovery. Once you learn about your values, it will be easier to set goals since you will have a “why” driving behind them.

Don’t be too disheartened if the exercise doesn’t help. Self-discovery takes time. If you were looking for values to set up long-term goals or purposes, here is what you can do until you find them.

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