Hiatus #001 – How to get back from a long break in blogging?

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I haven’t written anything for the last two months. I have been constantly thinking about writing, but somehow my fingers didn’t find the keys. Once you break your momentum, sometimes it’s hard to get back into swing.

When life is up, be consistent. When life is down, be persistent.

This is the first time I went on a hiatus, and honestly, I don’t think it will be the last. Taking a break from anything is natural. I shouldn’t panic too much about it. I should instead have a plan for dealing with it when it eventually happens.

The first post after a hiatus is hard. We are much more likely to break out of hiatus if we make the first post easier. Here is the plan I came up with:

  1. Accept that I have broken the momentum. Instead of panicking, use this as an opportunity to take a break for real. Perhaps I am burnt out? Focus on recovering rather than jumping back into the game full force.
  2. Once I am ready to start writing again, I will simply write a post that will summarize why I stopped, what I have done during the break, and what I plan to do now.

That’s it. The summary post describing the break may not be interesting and that’s fine. The goal of the post (including this one), is to get started again. So let’s give this a try?


  • Why did I stop writing for 2 months?
    • I was visiting my family in Bangladesh. I was too busy traveling and working from a different time zone. I also got sick in the middle which didn’t help my mood.
    • Once I came back, I fell sick again. This time for two weeks. It was a viral infection with a fever as high as 105. I simply prioritized recovering. By the time I recovered, my routine was out of whack for good.
  • What did I do during the break?
    • I finished 10 books in November and 0 books in December. Awful pacing. At least I managed to hit my 30-book goal on Goodreads. Hoping to write about some of the new books I read.
    • Visited Albania for Christmas and a Safari Park where you can stay in a lodge with a Tiger as your neighbor.
  • What am I planning for 2025?
    • New Year Resolution: Similar to the previous 2-3 years, I am trying to make this year about health. All my attempts at better health have failed in the past, perhaps this year would be different?
      • [New hobby] Calisthenics: I have tried both running and going to the gym in the past. Didn’t manage to stick to them. So I am trying something new this year. Only time will tell if this one will stick or not. So far, I have been going strong for 3 weeks now.
    • Read a book each week: So a total of 52 books in 2025. I believe this is doable as long as I pace myself right. I am already off-track though since I haven’t been reading much since November. No need to panic though. I am just one book behind.
    • Continue writing: Still not planning to abandon this blog. It has been fun so far and I don’t see myself getting bored just yet. I may have to reduce my cadence even more to accommodate my other commitments.

And that’s it. My first post of the year 🎉

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It’s nice to meet you.

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I happen to chance upon your blog from Reddit. This post caught my eye and I would like to be the first person to tell you that I think you’re on track. Life happens and that’s okay. I can see that you are already doing more than the average people and your objectives for 2025 is set. I added your blog to my RSS reader, so here’s to more.