Our life is made up of time. How we spend our time dictates how we spend our life.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could visualize how we are spending our life? Maintaining a Calendar is a great tool for such a visualization.
We typically use Calendar just to track upcoming events or meetings at work. But it has the potential to be so much more.
Instead of just tracking upcoming events, if you also track how you plan to spend a particular time block, then that becomes an Intention. Later, if you keep the calendar synced with reality by deleting or modifying the event based on what actually happened, it becomes a Journal.
Finally, if you Color Code Your Calendar, it also provides a quick Measurement of how you have spent your week.
Then you can ask yourself: “Am I spending time in doing things I truly value?“
Are you spending time with your family? Have you given time to your partner this week? Did you work on your side project? Did you exercise?
Your Calendar should reflect the values you want to see in your life.
If you are not intentionally spending your time, then how exactly are you spending them? Are you living a reactive life? Is that what you want?
Remember, if you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.