How to Adjust Chrome UI Font Size on X11
Chrome doesn’t respect configurations set in .Xresources, resulting in fonts looking small in UI. Here is how to fix that in X11 systems.
Trigger autorandr on Laptop Lid Open/Close
autorandr doesn’t respond to laptop lid open/close event. Here is how I fixed it using tips from an ongoing Github discussion.
autorandr: How to Automatically Configure Displays based on Connected Devices
Tired of reconfiguring displays with arandr? Try autorandr: it auto-applies saved configurations when displays are added/removed.
arandr: GUI tool for Display Configuration
arandr – tool to configure the resolution and orientation of your display/monitors. Much easier to configure than using the xrandr directly from CLI.
PAM Configuration to Unlock i3lock with fingerprint
My laptop has a fingerprint sensor. Making it work with i3lock however, requires additional work. We need to configure the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module).