This is my second time starting the Pillars, Pipelines, and Vaults (PPV) system for organizing my life. So, if PPV is such a great tool for planning, why did I stop using it? What went wrong?
The system ended up “Suffering from Success”. It was running so well that I tried to offload every aspect of my life: weight, finances, groceries, recipes, diaries, thoughts, notes, etc.
With so many things being tracked, I couldn’t see the forest for trees. I burned out from inserting every piece of data I could think of. It became a chore which I began to resent.
I am wiser now. I now prioritize my goals since life is too short to do everything. My main intention is to track my long-term goals in PPV. Anything not related to long-term goals is not tracked at all. I let them happen organically in life.