Microblogging: Ignore SEO to write more

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Another benefit of microblogging is that I don’t have to worry about SEO. I can if I want to, but it’s such a bother. To have proper SEO for a post, I have to:

  • Find a featured image
  • Figure out a keyword, and ensure it’s sprinkled everywhere in the post.
  • Populate the meta description.
  • Add links: both outbound and internal.
  • Have a minimum of 300 words in the text.

It eats away a lot of time! Time which I would rather write instead. Sometimes SEO can end up taking more time than writing the micro-post itself!

With atomic/micro-posts, it’s such a small amount of content that it’s not worth it to spend time on SEO. When I eventually combine them to create an epic post, it will justify the effort for SEO.

With that, I have managed to remove one more obstacle from writing 🎉

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